Marriage & Family Intensives
An intensive is a way to deliver treatment in an intensive but short period of time, typically a weekend, where multiple sessions per day are completed. New research shows that intensive therapy for trauma, turmoil or stress can be extremely effective on symptom reduction.
"The question isn't so much "are you parenting the right way?" As it is: "Are you the adult you want your child to grow up to be?"
-Brene Brown
Provided as an enrichment offering, the marriage and/or family Intensive is a 3 day, 2 night event. This is a dynamic setting for intentional time together. Focus is on communication and healthy family interaction. We'll meet with you a few times in advance to talk about goals, challenges, and learn about the patterns that you're already aware of. Then we’ll draft a specially catered trip to explore how to reboot healthy interaction within your family. We'll arrange group- and team-based activities like rock climbing, mountain biking, and whitewater rafting. We’ll go beyond talking this stuff out and dive into some engaging activities to stimulate awareness and step into changed behaviors.